Our story begins with our protagonist Missy’s arrival at a prestigious ballet academy in the quaint little town of Holybrook run by a legendary ballerina. Missy is a talented dancer with a lot of emotional baggage trying to achieve her dancing dreams. What follows is a series of mysterious and gruesome events that leaves you thinking that our heroine might have been better off taking up another profession. Enjoy!
Black Adagio
Wendy Potocki
(6 Reviews)
Genre: Horror | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Melissa Solange is presented the chance of a lifetime. Chosen as a member of a new dance company, she works tirelessly perfecting the one element of ballet she’s never mastered–the adagio. As she rehearses, a dark force watches. Resurrected by the surprise addition of a classic ballet to the repertoire, the sinister work is thought to be cursed–destroying anyone who attempts to dance it. When the production’s lead dancers begin to disappear, the old warning is taken more seriously. A death worshiping cult called The Innocents is blamed, but she is not so sure. They may be the scapegoat for an ultimate evil living in the woods of Holybrook. Desperate for an answer, she searches for what lurks in the shadows of the old trees before she becomes the next victim of the Danse Macabre.
This is a Paranormal Thriller that is suitable for both Adult and YA audiences. 14+
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