Author Byron Brumbaugh’s The Devil’s Vial is an intriguing novel with the ability to beckon adventure, defining all of human race. It is an intricate plot of ruthless power and total evil, which leaves you with a brain teasing dilemma. All the while with characters trying to stay true to their own beliefs. Enjoy!

The Devil’s Vial
Byron Brumbaugh
5 Stars (5 Reviews)
Genre: Suspense

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The threat of global warming pushes some well-organized and very powerful people to scheme something drastic and lethal. Central to their plans is a small clear vial. These plans remain undiscovered until Richard Gregg, a convert to Buddhism struggling to apply what he’s learned to a westerner’s life, and four companions stumble across the conspiracy. Chased, shot at and beat-up, Richard and his friends know these powers-that-be are willing to kill to maintain secrecy and further their goals. Somehow, the conspirators must be found, along with what they are planning and how to stop them. A deadline approaches and whatever is done has to be done quickly, so options are limited. Throughout it all, Richard wants to remain true to his beliefs – most important, in every circumstance, he must act without violence and approach everything with compassion and loving kindness. It is not at all clear he will succeed.

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