The new children’s book series, Discovering the Difference, by Myrna Fay Flick was developed to help children learn important distinctions necessary to live a more empowered life.

Being Silly, Not a Bully (Discovering the Difference Book 1)
by Myrna Fay Flick
5 Stars (6 Reviews)
Genre: Children’s eBooks | Foreign Languages


When Miriam moved to Mystic Valley, she didn’t anticipate being teased, bullied, and rejected. Tempest, her new classmate, made it clear that her kind were not welcome.

Find out in this anti-bullying book how Miriam, with the help of her new friend Val, learns valuable life skills about kindness, diversity, cultural differences, and inclusion.

Unique to the series is a fun, interactive section for children to answer questions to learn more about themselves. Also included are questions for parents, educators, and counselors to use as a guide to reinforce the learning and to share their own insights and stories about teasing and bullying.

Click here to get this book for $0.99

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