Hugo V. Negron’s epic fantasy adventure series The Forging of a Knight, tells the tale of how a knight will find himself on the run with a Mah-Zakim to free her from her curse. With his friends turned against him, his title as First Knight lost, how great will the price be that must be paid? Will love be rewarded with death?
Forging of a Knight: Knighthood’s End
by Hugo V. Negron
(12 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Book Five in the Forging of a Knight series!
For the sake of a forbidden love, Qualtan will find himself on the run with a Mah-Zakim to free her from her curse, or be consumed by it. No longer a knight, his friends now turned against him, how great will the price be that must be paid? Can a Mah-Zakim truly love back, or has the curse that has followed the First Knight for so long come true at last?
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