Clement is no ordinary thirteen-year-old boy. He lives in a castle in 12th century Normandy. After helping Adalbert on his quest to find a long-lost treasure, Clement and his friend Dagena return for another adventure. This time, Clement must overcome the evil ambitions of his wicked uncle, Sven the Terrible! Prepare yourself for some medieval action and excitement that you will not soon forget. Clement first appeared in the novel, Adalbert.

Clement: Boy Knight of Normandy
by Craig Hipkins
4.6 Stars (37 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

Clement leads a rag tag army of peasants and knights to combat the threat of an ambitious and evil nobleman, Sven the Terrible.



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Clement: The Green Ship
by Craig Hipkins
4.5 Stars (33 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

The year 1161. King Henry ll sends the 14-year-old Clement, Count of la Haye on a secret mission. into the North Atlantic. Along the way he encounters danger and must overcome many obstacles in his way.



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Clement: The Templar’s Treasure
by Craig Hipkins
5 Stars (3 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult | Children’s eBooks

Clement and Dagena return for another adventure. This time they journey to the fabled land of Vinland to seek the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar.



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Clement: Land of the Zagwe Kings
by Craig Hipkins
5 Stars (1 Review)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult

Clement and Dagena return for another adventure. This time, they journey to Abyssinia on a quest to find a holy relic, and the legendary colony of Prester John.


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