Join Kate, Julie, and their close-knit circle of friends and family as they navigate the pitfalls of modern dating and self-discovery. Kate, a cat mom who prefers Netflix to dating, vows to find someone special by next New Year’s Eve, tackling the chaotic world of hookup apps and speed dating. Julie, grappling with loneliness and sobriety, finds herself unexpectedly challenged by the upbeat single dad, Luke. As friendships blossom and secrets surface, both women confront their pasts and embrace their futures, discovering the transformative power of love and friendship —“Charming and heartwarming with a deft touch of humor” (Publishers Weekly)

Someone to Kiss: A Hilarious and Heartening Romantic Comedy (Saskatchewan Romance Book 1)
by Jamie Anderson
4 Stars (524 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Women’s Fiction | Humor & Entertainment

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As the clock strikes midnight on a disastrous New Year’s Eve, Kate makes a resolution scrawled on the back of a napkin that by next New Year’s she will have found someone of her own to kiss. But for the 40-something cat mom who’d rather binge TV than brave the singles scene, navigate hookup apps, or slide into someone’s DMs, the challenge is real!


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Love, Julie: A Poignant and Humorous Romance (Saskatchewan Romance Book 2)
by Jamie Anderson
4.5 Stars (27 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction | Humor & Entertainment

Once, Julie dreamed of a life filled with love. In her forties she faces a starkly different reality. Determined to turn her life around she volunteers to organize her friend’s wedding. But sharing this task with the irritatingly cheerful best man, single dad Luke, proves to be an unexpected challenge as his kindness chips away at her icy exterior.

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