Author J. L. Gribble has created a captivating alternate reality in her debut novel, full of magic and vampires and were-creatures. The story centers around a centuries old female vampire named Victory and her adopted family, and the city-state she’s cultivated as a safe zone between the British and Romans empires. Mrs. Gribble’s prose is excellent, and the story is definitely a page turner. Enjoy!
Steel Victory: Steel Empires 1
J.L. Gribble
(15 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy | Science Fiction
One hundred years ago, the vampire Victory retired from a centuries-long mercenary career. She settled in Limani, the independent city-state acting as a neutral zone between the British and Roman colonies on the New Continent. Twenty years ago, Victory adopted a human baby girl, who soon showed signs of magical ability. Today, Victory is a city councilwoman, balancing the human and supernatural populations within Limani. Her daughter Toria is a warrior-mage, balancing life as an apprentice mercenary with college chemistry courses. Tomorrow, the Roman Empire invades.
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