Babysitter..check, reservations for fancy restaurant with cloth napkins..check, fitting into something other than jeans…check check.  It’s my moms birthday and the family is going out for a nice dinner. You all know what that means….CAKE!!!!!

Tales from a Spacious Place
Elizabeth Frerichs
5 Stars (9 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality

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What if God took you through the looking glass? What if, in a single step, you could cross from everyday reality into something entirely different?

A wrought iron door leads to a well-stocked cellar, lined with precious vintages .. . or do the bottles contain something more sinister? Is death masquerading as solace? Only a trip into a deeper reality will pry unwilling eyes open to the truth.

The fight to discover truth continues in the halls of an art museum. An artist mutilates sculptures, re-sculpting their faces to match his own. His collection of destroyed sculptures sets the stage for a battle to preserve individuality. Can anyone stop him?

In these seven short stories Elizabeth Frerichs explores the cramped doorways God uses to bring us out into a spacious place.

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(also available from Amazon. CO.UK  DE  FR  IT  ES  CA )

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Summer Lightning
Judith Richards
4.9 Stars (8 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Family Life | Humor | Literary Fiction

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If you liked To Kill A Mockingbird you’ll love Summer Lightning and the irrepressible cigarette-smoking, redheaded truant named Terry, called Little Hawk by his friend, old McCree.Together they prowl the Everglades in search of rattlesnakes, epiphytes, and adventure until the law and a looming world war change their lives forever.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. CO.UK  DE  FR  IT  ES  CA )

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Wolf’s Bane
Judith Post
4.8 Stars (5 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Fantasy

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Reece Rutherford’s brain can’t process what her eyes are seeing. A full moon shines on a boy whose body is contorting and changing, sprouting fur and growing fangs. She’s seen it in movies. Movies aren’t real life. But then the werewolf charges her. He pins her against her SUV, his paw pressing against her chest, and she knows she’s doomed until a winged man appears, as if from the sky, to save her. From that point on, her life is forever changed. The bloody scratches heal and a blood-red tattoo, in the shape of a hexagram, blazes in the flesh near her heart, revealing that she is a witch whose powers have just awakened.

Faced with a community of rogue werewolves who’d like her out of their way, a set of powers she never previously knew she had, and a brother and sister to keep safe from literal monsters–as well as their abusive step-father sleeping in the next room–Reece isn’t sure her usual self-sufficiency will be enough to pull her through. Fortunately she has Damian, a stoic but sexy guardian who can help her take on her enemies and win. And maybe together they can learn that there’s no point going through everything alone.

Click here to get this book for FREE
(also available from Amazon. CO.UK  DE  FR  IT  ES  CA )

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Cowboy Surrender (Stampede Sizzlers)
Steena Holmes
3.6 Stars (19 Reviews)
Genre: Romance

Catering to cowboys was part of Stacey’s job as assistant to the President of the largest western show on earth. But Stacey has seen enough beer-loving, boot smelling, god-awful hat heads, to last a lifetime.She’s met a new man now, and despite the fact he’s her online boyfriend, its a safe bet to assume he’s anything but a cowboy – he is, after all an executive in the business world. Imagine her surprise when her new man shows up for their first in person meeting, and he looks remarkably like — a cowboy?

Click here to get this book for $0.99
(also available from Amazon. CO.UK  DE  FR  IT  ES  CA )

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The Voynich Cypher (Cryptology Conspiracy / Intrigue Thriller)
Russell Blake
4.2 Stars (115 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense | Action & Adventure

When a sacred relic is stolen from its subterranean guarded vault, Dr. Steven Cross, amateur cryptographer, becomes embroiled in a deadly quest to decipher one of history’s most enigmatic documents – a 15th century parchment written entirely in unbreakable code; The Voynich Manuscript. Stalked by secret societies, and aided by the daughter of a murdered colleague, a trail of riddles catapults Cross from England to Italy to the Middle East, where a Byzantine web of ancient secrets leads him to a revelation so profound it will change the world order.

The Voynich Cypher is the second novel featuring Dr. Steven Archer Cross

Click here to get this book for $0.99
(also available from Amazon. CO.UK  DE  FR  IT  ES  CA )

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