The Questions for Growth and Clarity series by Lisa B. Waldman, is a wonderful resource for those wanting guidance with stresses in life both emotional and physical. Take what you need and leave the rest. Grab your notebook and something to write with and let’s go!

Acceptance Reboot: Questions for Growth & Clarity (Reboot Series: Questions for Growth and Clarity)
by Lisa B. Waldman
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting | Self-Help

This e-Book contains some general information acceptance and letting go. Acceptance is one of the most difficult but important things to understand in life. You’ll gain clarity on your relationship with acceptance in your life and clarify what you need to let go of. This means learning to relinquish your control, realize your limitations, and face reality. Letting go can refer to different actions – anger or resentment, guilt, fear, controlling behavior, or letting go of a relationship. Letting go of someone we love is not easy. Grieving the death of someone is a natural process that takes time. Letting go allows us more freedom in our life and helps us stop controlling behavior. It actually allows us love with compassion instead of manipulation.

Fundamentally, we’re powerless over someone else. Knowing this intellectually and knowing it emotionally are different, but practicing these tips will gradually change your thinking, feeling, and actions. There are many situations where we need to let go, and not all of these tips will apply to yours. Take what you need and leave the rest. Grab your notebook and something to write with and let’s go!

Click here to get this book for $0.99

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Stress Reboot: Questions for Growth and Clarity (Reboot Series: Questions for Growth and Clarity)
by Lisa B Waldman
Genre: Religion & Spirituality | Health, Fitness & Dieting

This E-BOOK contains some general information the science of stress, with the latest findings emphasizing how stress has been found to impact you at the cellular level, which means that how you deal with stress directly impacts your health. We’ll discuss and discover what you already do to STRESS LESS and build your resiliency by tapping into your self-awareness. . The resources reviewed are skills that you can incorporate into your everyday life quickly, and others that may take more time. You don’t have to use these skills in any particular order — simply start applying the ones that resonate with you. These skills are a combination of complimentary/alternative medicine and research based. My goal is to give you tools from a variety of disciplines. What works for you might not resonate for others. Pay it forward… most of these skills are so simple to use that they can be easily taught to family and friends. Creating a culture of stress resilience starts when you pass these skills along to others. Grab your notebook and some things to write with and let’s go!

Click here to get this book for $0.99

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Health Reboot: Resources To Heal Pain, Trauma, Anxiety, And Addiction
by Lisa B. Waldman
5 Stars (1 Review)
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting

You hold the power to transform your own health! This book will show you how to quit old, negative patterns and adopt healthy new ones. It provides you a new, practical approach to conquering pain, trauma, anxiety, and addiction. You will learn about the connections between mind, body, emotion, and spirit in simple, understandable terms. Each chapter includes valuable resources and tools to create flexibility in your thinking, feelings, spiritual condition, and behaviors. Its simple, time-tested methods can be used in any area of your life. Learn to live into what’s possible with your own personal health reboot!

“Stuck? Lisa Waldman’s Health Reboot can help. Regardless which physical, emotional, or psychological challenges you face, Health Reboot leads you to ways of moving through them to a more fulfilling, healthier life. Waldman begins with a framework assessing where you are in your willingness and ability to change, using journal-like prompts to guide your engagement. Then she provides introductions to a variety of change techniques, with links to deeper discussions. Waldman covers approaches long valued for their effectiveness (like meditation and AA) as well as cutting edge insights from neuroscience and cognitive behavioral psychology. She draws from both her professional expertise and personal experience to convince you that you can become your own best advocate for positive change. At a time when so much of our lives can seem beyond our individual control, Health Reboot is a vital reminder that change is possible for all of us, everyday.

Ann Dill, PhD

Professor Emerita of Sociology

Brown University”

Click here to get this book for $2.99

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Spiritual Reboot: Questions For Growth And Clarity (Reboot Series: Questions for Growth and Clarity)
by Lisa B. Waldman
Genre: Health, Fitness & Dieting | Religion & Spirituality

Soul and spirituality go hand in hand. When we maintain a regular spiritual practice, we are both grounded and grateful. Maybe you’ve never had a spiritual practice. Maybe you don’t think you need one or are discontent with the one you have. Wherever you are, this workbook is for you. It will give you a new lens and inspire you toward a better spiritual direction. Its questions will inspire you to take a deeper look inside yourself. If you don’t have a spiritual practice, this book will help you discover ideas and directions to build one. If you do have a spiritual practice, it will help you discover what you love about it, what you need to change, and how to get started.

Click here to get this book for $0.99

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