Scotland is occupied, the Scottish resistance crushed. Yet James Douglas believes his blood-drenched homeland still has one hope, the rightful King of the Scots, Robert the Bruce. With driving determination, James blazes a path in blood and violence, in cunning and ruthlessness as he wages a guerrilla war to restore Scotland’s freedom. The Black Douglas Trilogy is a gripping series that gives life to the defining era of Scotland’s history.

A Kingdom’s Cost: A Historical Novel of Scotland (The Black Douglas Trilogy Book 1)
by J. R. Tomlin
4.3 Stars (4,077 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | War

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Eighteen-year-old James Douglas can only watch, helpless, as the Scottish freedom fighter, William Wallace, is hanged, drawn, and quartered. Even under the heel of a brutal English conqueror, James’s blood-drenched homeland may still have one hope for freedom, the rightful King of the Scots, Robert the Bruce. James swears fealty to the man he believes can lead the fight against English tyranny.

The Bruce is soon a fugitive, king in name only. Scotland is occupied, the Scottish resistance crushed. The woman James loves is captured and imprisoned. Yet James believes their cause is not lost. With driving determination, he blazes a path in blood and violence, in cunning and ruthlessness as he wages a guerrilla war to restore Scotland’s freedom. James knows he risks sharing Wallace’s fate, but what he truly fears is that he has become as merciless as the conqueror he fights.

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Countenance of War: A Historical Novel of Scotland (The Black Douglas Trilogy Book 2)
by J. R. Tomlin
4.3 Stars (1,058 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction

Fourteenth-century Scotland suffers under the heel of England’s King Edward, and James Douglas refuses to submit to the conqueror. As he wages a scorched-earth guerilla war to drive out the invader and reclaim his birthright, Edward brings a vast army to crush the Scots. In the midst of the brutal war, even the woman James loves is threatened by his implacable duty. A man caught in the clash of two nations rushes to his destiny in this novel of passion, loyalty, cunning, and ruthlessness. The conflict reaches a bloody crescendo as the Scots and English cross swords in a reckoning that will determine Scotland’s very survival.

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Not For Glory: A Historical Novel of Scotland (The Black Douglas Trilogy Book 3)
by J R Tomlin
4.4 Stars (689 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction

James, Lord of Douglas, known to his foes as the Black Douglas, leads a flank of the Scottish army in crushing a vast invading English force at the waters of the Bannockburn. Fresh from battle, James revels in honors heaped on him by the Scots and in the hatred of the enemy. When King Robert the Bruce orders him to push their advantage and force the English to the peace table, they both know the only way James can do so is by fire and the sword–the only language King Edward of England understands.

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