I took my Fall candle out a few weeks ago, but had yet to burn it until last night. All the candles in my house are fake, because I am so worried about burning the house down. We are already pretty jumpy about fires in Sonoma County, and even though we lucked out with the fire we had at our house a few years ago, I don’t want to risk it. BUT… that candy was dusty as all heck. Gross. I bring it out each year for the smell, and it is so strong that you don’t even have to burn it to stink up the whole house. I took a close look at it and the dust was pretty thick and gross. I wiped off most of it, but it left unsightly streaks, so I lit it. WHOA! The scent punched me in the face immediately! I honestly can’t tell you if it was good or not. The burning in my throat should say no, but the smell was still kinda nice……from the other side of the house. It’s about two thirds down now. Might need to buy a new one for the next seven years.

Winnetka Road (Book 1) (The Winnetka Road Series)
by J.S. Sheridan
3.7 Stars (594 Reviews)
Genre: Thrillers

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Paul and Cellina Farrell have it all: wealth, good looks, a beautiful baby girl and a mansion on Winnetka Road. In their world, money, power, and appearance are everything, so when Paul goes slowly insane, no one notices — except the baby nurse. But can she convince anyone of Paul’s insanity before he murders her and hurts the baby?

It’s the Swinging Sixties, and Paul and Cellina Farrell are the “it” couple on Chicago’s North Shore. He’s handsome, rich, and a partner at a prestigious law firm. She’s beautiful, brilliant, and leads the crowd in all things fashion, interior design and elegance. They live in a mansion on Winnetka Road with their baby girl, Simone. Their life seems picture perfect.

But there is something dark and unnatural stirring beneath Paul’s smooth exterior.

Cellina doesn’t notice. She’s too busy with her constant renovations and trips to Paris, Palm Beach and Percocet.

Their friends don’t notice. They’re too blinded by the Farrell good looks, money, and standing in society.

But the baby nurse sees.

And little Simone.

Façades are beginning to crack at the big house on Winnetka Road.

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The Charleston Earthquake of 1886, a Novel (Disasters!)
by Beth Livingston
4.6 Stars (66 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | Religion & Spirituality

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Two women. A widower who vows never to remarry. And the most devastating earthquake in Charleston’s history.

Gracie Taylor longs to escape the struggling family plantation in Summerville, South Carolina. Her wish comes true when the earthquake of 1886 forces them to evacuate to Columbia, South Carolina. Her family is taken in by Austin Grant, a handsome widower still mourning his dead wife after five years.

Living in Charleston, Miriam Kingsley has been in love with Austin Grant, her brother’s best friend, since she was young. Unfortunately, Austin married her best friend, Emily. Now that Emily is dead and Austin is coming to Charleston to help rebuild after the earthquake, Miriam hopes he will finally notice her.

But Austin Grant has no intention of ever marrying again. Can anything… or anyone… change his mind?

This is a clean Christian novel, the second in the Disasters! series.

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Lone Star Odyssey: Decisions
by David Wilson
4.6 Stars (252 Reviews)
Genre: Thrillers

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Wounded while retaking the Armory, Talon’s recovery is slow and painful. Unaware that his family in Texas are having to deal with similar situations from within their own community. With still no action or assistance from the Federal or State governments, each community must deal with daily shortages of their basic needs. Civilization and civility has been replaced with every person for themselves. Lawlessness and chaos is the new normal. Large population centers have for the most part become unsustainable. Talon pushes himself relentlessly to regain enough strength to resume his journey. Every decision takes on more importance as the world falls deeper into anarchy.

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Home of Her Heart: A Sweet World War II Romance (Hearts of the War Book 2)
by Shanna Hatfield
4.7 Stars (293 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Historical Fiction | Religion & Spirituality

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He needed someone to remember him when he was gone.

Instead, he found a woman he’d never forget.

Orphaned at birth and a loner all his life, the last thing Sergeant Klayne Campbell needs is for feisty Delaney Danvers to entangle his thoughts. Bravely volunteering for a top-secret mission almost certain to get him killed, Klayne can’t bear the thought of dying utterly alone. All he wants is to face death knowing his life meant something to at least one person. Offering Delaney a marriage of convenience, he plans to leave behind a war bride as his beneficiary. After just one night as her husband, Klayne realizes he’ll do anything to survive and return to her.

The moment she met handsome Sergeant Campbell at a holiday party, Delaney’s whole world shifted off kilter. Full of fun with an unquenchable zest for life, she isn’t afraid to go after what she wants. And what she wants is Klayne. When he prepares to join a hazardous mission, she seizes the opportunity to give him a reason to fight his way back home — to her heart.

A tender, sweet World War II romance rich with history and enduring love, Home of Her Heart captures the era and emotions prevalent during America in the early 1940s.

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The Shadow Reader: An Urban Fantasy Romance (A Shadow Reader Novel Book 1)
by Sandy Williams
4.2 Stars (808 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy

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Some humans can see the fae. McKenzie Lewis can track them, reading the shadows they leave behind. But some shadows lead to danger. Others lead to lies.

A Houston college student trying to finish her degree, McKenzie has been working for the fae king for years, tracking vicious rebels who would claim the Realm. Her job isn’t her only secret. For just as long, she’s been in love with Kyol, the king’s sword-master–and relationships between humans and fae are forbidden.

Any hope for a normal life is shattered when she’s captured by Aren, the fierce and uncompromising rebel leader. He teaches her the forbidden fae language and tells her dark truths about the Court, all to persuade her to turn against the king.

Time is running out, and as the fight starts to claim human lives, McKenzie has to decide once and for all whom to trust–and where she ultimately stands in the face of a cataclysmic civil war.

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My Life with Leopards: A zoological memoir filled with love, loss and heartbreak
by Fransje Van Riel
4.5 Stars (96 Reviews)
Genre: Science & Math | Biographies & Memoirs

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In 1993, game ranger Graham Cooke had the opportunity to parent two six-week-old leopard cubs. Establishing himself and his charges in a small, tented camp in the South African bush, Graham set about his task of habituating the cubs to the dangers of the wild, in preparation for their eventual release.

But first he had to gain the young leopards’ trust. Boycat, the slightly bigger male cub, proved to be an easy-going character, and after initial reservations he soon settled in. However, his sister, Poepface, was less easily swayed. Her complex character and strong reservations persisted, despite Graham’s efforts to win her trust. Eventually, Poepface relented, and so began a love story; a powerful bond.

When, a year later, Graham prepared the cubs for their release into the remote South Luangwa Valley, he knew it was the beginning of the end. Joining the cubs on daily walks to familiarise them with their new home, Graham knew that soon it would be time to let go.

Set in both in the bushveld of South Africa and the wilderness that is the South Luangwa Valley, My Life with Leopards is a story interwoven with love, loss, danger and heartbreak.

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