It’s the unknowns of history which ignite the imagination. Each of the offerings here are intended to bring to light an unresolved moment in the past which allows an author with sufficient imagination and enough time on his hands to speculate as to what may have occurred leading up to or following after a key incident referred to in the book. These works are not intended as true stories or factual histories but rather as “what ifs” if you will, illustrating a possible explanation of what may have taken place or who may have been responsible. While a military theme is evident in many of my writings the reader will note that war and conflict is never the crux of the story but rather sets the background. It is the vehicle which propels the mystery that hopefully readers of whodunits will savor. These books will engage the lover of mystery-thrillers in a way that will keep him turning page after page. Enjoy!

Dragon Bones
by Robert Henricks
Genre: History

His name was Shuri Ikagi, a captain in the Japanese Army reluctantly assigned to the Fangshan District of China in 1941. Ambushed while transporting artifacts called Peking Man for shipment to Japan he becomes trapped in the jungles of the Philippines and must overcome American forces and his own commanders in order to complete his mission.


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Jewels of the Crown
by Robert Henricks
5 Stars (2 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Historical Fiction

The year is 1216. Since assuming the position as the king’s wagon master, Norman Gervase has been tasked with safeguarding the royal baggage train, an obligation that places the welfare of the crown jewels squarely in his hands. But news of the king’s death complicates his mission and draws him into a frantic race to salvage the king’s treasure.


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Ghost Mission
by Robert Henricks
Genre: Action & Adventure

Fighter pilot John Henderson of the RAF is killed leading his squadron of Spitfires in a struggle with Germany’s Luftwaffe. He reappears 80 years later as a wistful spirit pursuing the love of his youth. Baffling events abound, until that is, England is stared down by another wave of Nazi aggression, stopped only by the implacable spirit.


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The Sombrero and the Cactus
by Robert Henricks
4.5 Stars (2 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

The town of Prickly Pear, Arizona is in desperate straits. The only thing it has going is Sheriff Joe Baker and Mayor Red Bull Callister. Only when the Gomez family arrives with a hearse, a florist van, an eight year old visionary, a barber and two alcoholic uncles does the future of Prickly Pear look brighter in ways no one could have forseen.


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Wine Kill (Harry Wells Mysteries)
by Robert Henricks
5 Stars (1 Review)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

An FBI informant has knowledge of a mob plan to extort the owners of Wineries in Sonoma. The Bureau assigns Ronnie Malcolm who is reunited with his partner Harry Wells. The two go toe to toe with criminal toughs and a killer for hire who refuses to back down.

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